series of still shots animated, thematic circles, spinning, and dials. Moise left today. He had been living with us for a year and a half, the longest of any of the street boys. Around five in the morning he snuck out of the house with his toothbrush and toothpaste, epilepsy medicine, folic acid, Vitamin B12, and a little framed painting of an empty cafe painted by Kari Segal-Allgire that I had given to him a week ago. This video has always seemed apocalyptic to me. Moise was big on the end of the work, the destruction of all the wicked, the last judgment, and fear of his parents and grandparents ending up in hell. I think this was part of his motivation for jetting. Please pray for us. We have been in shock. Moise has been to some extent the center of our community, offering life, hospitality, and hope. Please pray we can see beyond the cycles of suffering, of uprooting, and alienation, to the now creation beyond the end of the world. God have mercy on Moise, on his family, and on us all |