Capcana Luminii 'Light Trap' Photography show 2008

Robin Fowler inspired me with her photos last year and gave me the idea that more people need to see her work. We found public space at the Cultural Centers Gallery and we invited our friend Dan Burlacu a local high school art teacher to present photos with us.
Take a look at
Robins Work in our show we titled 'Light Trap'Here are my
(Joel's) contribution to 'Light Trap'.

The show opened with a short introduction by the new Art Guild director who is speaking in the picture. Then an art critic from the
Modern Art Museum of Galati presented at length the exhibit as a whole and then took each artist in turn and discussed each.

The museum director spoke of a delight that the photos represented to him a return to nature and sensitive use and limitation of color and composition. I was proud to present Robin to the small crew gathered as a first time appearance in an official way in the art world in Galati. I am glad she was able to hear from the museum critic that her work is great.