Friday, May 25, 2007


"This is a collaborative project with a class of underprivileged teen aged girls. We developed the story and animation together around an eaten apple and the seeds that remained.

In the story the apple is eaten, the two seeds run from the scene and one cries about loosing its home while the other is comforting. They are thrown in the trash where they find a new home, a rotten apple. Then they feel an earthquake and are tossed through the air onto the soil."

By the end of our months in a row of Tuesday classes spent on the parts of the animation the girls finally said, 'enough let's finish it already!'

art for therapy

Thursday, May 03, 2007


I sat down in an empty parking lot. Three little boys, two were 4 and the other 8, approached me as I wrote in my journal and asked what I was writing. I evaded the question, handed them colored pencils and a 4x8 inch piece of paper to draw on together. I happened to had a good recording device with me and I hit record as it sat in my open bag away from their view. I later recorded the guitar track to go with the original voices of the boys. The video slowly fades into the drawing and back out to white. I saw the red haired four year old again yesterday playing on the streets around the fence of a condemned coliseum.

There are the trained marks of a fine artist on paper or canvas which can be beautiful and attuned to the subject and insightful. These authentic marks of little children have the simple beauty of the human person, our vitality, life, gentleness, and hope.